Selling a land

Buying land in Phuket can be a very promising investment, but there are a number of nuances to consider when choosing the right plot.

Land titles

In Thailand, there are more than 10 different titles for land plots. For purchase or long-term lease, only the following titles can be considered:

NorSor3 - the simplest title, under which ownership rights arise based on long-term possession. In this case, there are no clear boundaries for the land plots. But the owner has all the grounds to dispose of the plot.
NorSor3 Gor - the same as the previous title, but with defined boundaries for the plots.
Chanote - the highest land title. Chanote is a certificate confirming full ownership rights. This is the safest title and is recommended for transactions involving such plots.

Land use zones

All land in Phuket is divided into zones, each with its own purpose and specific restrictions. For example, there are agricultural areas, protected areas where construction is not allowed. There are also restrictions on building height on certain plots. Therefore, when choosing a suitable plot, it is important to check which zone the plot belongs to, what restrictions may apply to it, and how well it suits your goals.

Forms of ownership

In Phuket, land can be acquired by foreigners either through long-term leasehold or through full ownership freehold on a Thai legal entity. This is a common practice in Thailand with its own nuances.

Taking into account the above features, when choosing and buying land in Phuket, it is worth turning to specialists who will help avoid illegal transactions and unnecessary purchases.

Our company also sells land in Phuket. In our database, there are land plots of various purposes in different parts of the island. Our company's lawyers will help analyze and formalize the transaction in accordance with Thai legislation so that you do not encounter any problems when achieving your goals.

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